# Configuration file additional { # List any mob names (like 'minecraft:bat') you want disabled on the server S:disableMobNames < > # Should player inventories be stored after death (can be later restored with ob_inventory command) B:dumpDeadPlayersInventories=true } blocks { B:auto_anvil=true B:auto_enchantment_table=true B:beartrap=true B:big_button=true B:big_button_wood=true B:block_breaker=true B:block_placer=true B:builder_guide=true B:cannon=true B:canvas=true B:canvas_glass=true B:donation_station=true B:drawing_table=true B:elevator=true B:elevator_rotating=true B:fan=true B:flag=true B:golden_egg=true B:grave=false B:guide=true B:heal=true B:imaginary=true B:item_dropper=true B:ladder=true B:paint_can=true B:paint_mixer=true B:path=true B:projector=true B:rope_ladder=true B:scaffolding=true B:sky=true B:sponge=true B:sprinkler=true B:tank=true B:target=true B:trophy=true B:vacuum_hopper=true B:village_highlighter=true B:xp_bottler=true B:xp_drain=true B:xp_shower=true } breaker { # Maximum number of actions that can be performed by block breaker in single tick I:actionLimit=16 } canvas { # Controls number of textures allocated for canvas. Increase if canvas blocks stop rendering properly (get empty sides). To re-apply, reload textures I:canvasTexturePoolSize=256 # If true, paintbrush will replace suitable blocks with canvas. Otherwise, it will only try to paint blocks B:paintbrushReplacesBlocks=true # List of block ids that should not be replaceable by canvas (by using brush, stencil, etc) S:replaceBlacklist < > } cartographer { # List of blocks that should be invisible to cartographer. Example: id:3, OpenBlocks:openblocks_radio (case sensitive) S:blockBlacklist < > # Should invalid height map request be always reported B:reportInvalidRequest=false } crane { # Enable magnet turtles B:addTurtles=true # Use shift to control crane direction (otherwise, toggle every time) B:boringMode=true # Enable collision checking of crane arm B:doCraneCollisionCheck=false # List of resource location names of blocks that can be picked by magnet S:magnetBlockWhitelist < > # List of resource location names of entities that can be picked by magnet S:magnetEntityWhitelist < > # List of resource location names of tile entities that can be picked by magnet S:magnetTileEntityWhitelist < > # Show magnet turtles in creative list B:showTurtles=true # Maximal distance from turtle to magnet when deactivating D:turtleMagnetDeactivateRange=3.0 # Range of magnet CC peripheral D:turtleMagnetRange=32.0 } cursor { # Maximum distance cursor can reach (warning: increasing may cause crashes) I:cursorMaxDistance=64 } debug { # Show structures found by golden eye B:goldenEyeDebug=false # Dump extra amount of data, every time grave is created B:gravesDebug=false } devnull { # Color of contained stack size in GUI I:countColor=16776960 # If true, /dev/null will require sneaking in addition to clicking air to open gui B:sneakClickToGui=true } dropblock { # Should elevator move player to center of block after teleporting B:centerOnBlock=false # XP consumed by elevator (total amount = ratio * distance) D:elevatorXpDrainRatio=0.0 # Disable limit of blocks between elevators (equivalent to maxPassThrough = infinity) B:ignoreAllBlocks=false # The elevator will ignore half blocks when counting the blocks it can pass through B:ignoreHalfBlocks=false # The elevator will try to pass through blocks that have custom collision boxes B:irregularBlocksArePassable=true # The maximum amount of blocks the elevator can pass through before the teleport fails I:maxPassThrough=4 # Use to configure blocks as elevators. Examples: 'minecraft:wool' - configure any wool as white elevator, 'minecraft:wool#color=light_blue;yellow' - configure lightblue wool as yellow elevator S:overrides < > # The range of the drop block I:searchDistance=20 # Defines blocks that are handled specially by elevators. Entries are in form :: or id::. Possible actions: abort (elevator can't pass block), increment (counts for elevatorMaxBlockPassCount limit) and ignore S:specialBlockRules < > } egg { # Can golden egg pick blocks while hatching (may lead to glitches) B:pickBlocks=true } fan { # Maximum force applied every tick to entities nearby (linear decay) D:fanForce=0.05 # Range of fan in blocks D:fanRange=10.0 # Is fan force controlled by redstone current B:isRedstoneActivated=true } features { # Other fluids accepted instead liquid XP S:additionalXpFluids < "experience:20" > # Explosive enchant can break blocks at level 3 B:explosiveEnchantGrief=true # Is 'Explosive' enchantment enabled B:explosiveEnchantment=true # Is 'Flim-flam' enchantment enabled B:flimFlamEnchantment=true # Should every player get info book on first login B:infoBook=true # Is 'Last Stand' enchantment enabled B:lastStandEnchantment=true # Formula for XP cost (variables: hp,dmg,ench,xp). Note: calculation only triggers when hp - dmg < 1. S:lastStandFormula=max(1, 50*(1-(hp-dmg))/ench) # Storage in mB needed to store single XP point I:xpToLiquidRatio=20 } glasses { # 0.0 - no visible change to world, 1.0 - world fully obscured D:opacity=0.7 # Use texture for obscuring world B:useTexture=true } glyphs { # Should glyphs be added to creative search GUI B:showInCreativeSearch=false } graves { # Can grave spawn single block of dirt when it has no block under? B:canSpawnBase=true # Try to overwrite blocks with graves if no suitable place is found on first try B:destructiveGraves=false # Maximal height where grave should be spawned (default value selected to prevent spawning in bedrock) I:maximalPosY=249 # Minimal height where grave should be spawned (default value selected to prevent spawning in bedrock) I:minimalPosY=6 # Require gravestone to be in a player's inventory (it is consumed) B:requiresGraveInInv=false # Spawn rate, range: 0..1, default: about 1 per 50s D:skeletonSpawnRate=0.002 # Size of cube searched for spaces suitable for grave spawning I:spawnRange=10 # Should grave randomly spawn skeletons B:spawnSkeletons=true # Frequency of special action on grave digging, 0..1 D:specialActionFrequency=0.03 # Store contents of spawned graves into separate NBT files (can later be restored with ob_inventory command) B:storeContents=true } guide { # How builder guide should react to redstone. 0 - not sensitive, 1 - powered == on, -1 - inverted I:redstoneSensitivity=1 # Square of guide maximum render distance D:renderDistanceSq=65536.0 # Try to use advanced OpenGL for performance improvement B:useAdvancedRenderer=true } hacks { # Enable experimental features that may be buggy or broken entirely B:enableExperimentalFeatures=false } hangglider { # Enable a whole new level of hanggliding experience through thermal lift. See keybindings for acoustic vario controls B:enableThermal=true } imaginary { # Speed of imaginary blocks fading/appearing D:fadingSpeed=0.0075 # Number of newly created crayon/pencil uses D:numberOfUses=10.0 } itemdropper { # Maximum speed that can be set in item dropper GUI D:maxItemDropSpeed=4.0 } items { B:cartographer=true B:crane_backpack=true B:crane_control=true B:crayon_glasses=true B:cursor=true B:dev_null=true B:empty_map=true B:epic_eraser=true B:generic=true B:generic_unstackable=true B:glyph=true B:golden_eye=true B:hang_glider=true B:height_map=true B:info_book=true B:luggage=true B:paintbrush=true B:pedometer=true B:pencil_glasses=true B:serious_glasses=true B:sleeping_bag=true B:slimalyzer=true B:sonic_glasses=true B:sponge_on_a_stick=true B:squeegee=true B:stencil=true B:tasty_clay=true B:technicolor_glasses=true B:wrench=true B:xp_bucket=true } ladder { # If true, ladders will behave in old way: single item will place ladder all the way down, but it will not drop when broken B:infiniteMode=false } loot { B:technicolorGlasses=true } magnet { # Can crane magnet pick block? B:pickBlocks=true # Can crane magnet pick entities? B:pickEntities=true } placer { # Maximum number of actions that can be performed by block placer in single tick I:actionLimit=16 } projector { # The projector's cone will use the specified brightness value to render. # Value must be between 0 and 255 inclusive. To use the default world brightness set -1 as the value. # Keep in mind that default brightness means that the cone will render as light blue during the day and dark blue during the night. I:brightness=-1 # Level of light emitted by the active projector. Defaults to 10. Must be at maximum 15 and positive I:lightLevel=10 # Projector will light up whenever it is displaying a map B:lightUpWhenWorking=true # Projector will render a holographic cone whenever active B:renderHolographicCone=true } radio { # Should add radio villager profession B:radioVillagerEnabled=true } scaffolding { # The rate at which scaffolding should break. 0 - fastest I:despawnRate=4 } skyblock { # Forces skyblock rendering even when Optifine is enabled (warning: skyblocks may be incompatible with shaders!) B:optifineOverride=false # Enables skyblock rendering. Disable when there are graphic glitches or performance problems. Requires resource reload after change. B:renderingEnabled=true } sponge { # Should sponge block update neighbours after liquid removal? B:blockUpdate=false # Sponge block range (distance from center) I:spongeRange=3 # SpongeOnAStick use count I:spongeStickUseCount=256 # Should sponge-on-a-stick update neighbours after liquid removal? B:stickBlockUpdate=false } sprinkler { # Consume rate of bonemeal (ticks/item). I:bonemealConsumeRate=600 # 1/chance that crops will be fertilized with bonemeal I:bonemealFertilizeChance=200 # The range in each cardinal direction that crops will be affected. I:effectiveRange=4 # 1/chance that crops will be fertilized without bonemeal I:fertilizeChance=500 # Capacity (in mB) of internal tank. I:internalTankCapacity=50 # Consume rate of sprinkler (ticks/mB). I:waterConsumeRate=20 } tanks { # Can buckets be filled directly from tank? (works only for vanilla fluids, universal bucket and ones registered in 'bucketItems') B:allowBucketDrain=true # List of additional custom buckets than can be filled directly from tanks S:bucketItems < "openblocks:xp_bucket" > # The amount of buckets each tank can hold I:bucketsPerTank=16 # Should filled tanks be searchable with creative menu B:displayAllFluids=true # Tanks will emit light when they contain a liquid that glows (eg. lava) B:emitLight=true # Minimal difference in fluid level between neigbors required for tank update (can be used for performance finetuning I:fluidDifferenceUpdateThreshold=0 # Should tanks try to balance liquid amounts with neighbours B:tankTicks=true } tomfoolery { # You know, THAT thing! That you shouldn't do in public! B:doItWhileTyping=false # Blacklist/Whitelist for effects used by flim-flam enchantment S:flimFlamBlacklist < > # If true, flim-flam blacklist will become whitelist B:reverseBlacklist=false # Allow only flimflams that don't cause death (or at least very rarely) B:safeOnly=false # 0 - lore hidden, 1 - visible only with pressed ALT, 2 - always visible I:sillyLoreDisplay=1 # Are you serious too? B:weAreSeriousPeople=true } trophy { # Legacy value. For actual configuration, see 'trophyDropChanceFormula' D:trophyDropChance=0.001 # Formula for calculating trophy drop chance. Trophy drops when result is positive. S:trophyDropChanceFormula=let([bias=rand()/4, selection=rand()], (looting + bias) * chance - selection) } xpbucket { # Can bucket be filled with liquid XP directly from any source? B:directFill=true # Should XP bucket be shown in inventory (if this is set, while universal bucket is enabled and registerUniversalXpBucket is set, creative menu will contain two buckets containing liquid XP) B:showInCreativeGui=true # Should liquid XP be registered for universal bucket support (does not enable universal bucket) B:universalBucketSupport=true }