for i = 1, 1000 do -- Open the file for reading local file = assert("strings.txt", "r")) -- Initialize a variable to store the sum of scores local score = 0 -- Read each line from the file for line in file:lines() do -- Split the line in half local first_half = line:sub(1, #line / 2) local second_half = line:sub(#line / 2 + 1) -- Create a table to store the characters in each half local first_half_chars = {} local second_half_chars = {} -- Iterate over each character in each half and store it in the table for i = 1, #first_half do first_half_chars[first_half:sub(i, i)] = true end for i = 1, #second_half do second_half_chars[second_half:sub(i, i)] = true end -- Create a table to store the characters that have already been counted local counted_chars = {} -- Iterate over each character in the first half again -- and check if it exists in the second half for i = 1, #first_half do local char = first_half:sub(i, i) if second_half_chars[char] and not counted_chars[char] then -- If it does and it hasn't been counted yet, -- assign it a score and add it to the sum of scores local score_value = 0 if char:lower() == char then -- If the character is lowercase, its score is its ASCII value - 96 score_value = string.byte(char) - 96 else -- If the character is uppercase, its score is its ASCII value - 64 + 26 score_value = string.byte(char) - 64 + 26 end score = score + score_value -- Add the character to the counted_chars table so it won't be counted again counted_chars[char] = true end end end -- Print the final sum of scores print(score) end