FunnyMemeLlama: a Vertical Slice player controller basically done at this point physics object its a physics object that will use a gltf model. OBJ Bad! seperate visual model and model used for collision has collisons with player, world and can trigger triggers can be incredibly lazy ie would be nice if it was a full physics simulation but really doesnt need rotation and other properties real world objects have, think func_pushable from hl can be picked up with the "use" key 'E' when in the picked up state it will still obey physics such as not passing thru walls and still interact with triggers still while picked up the objects postion will be a ray cast from the viewport out half a meter or so and that is where the object will float. trigger_once (player, phys, other_entities) can act on any combination of player, physics objects, or any other entity such as a non hitscan projectile visible in editor but not in game is a region in the world that looks when entities enter it OnStartTouch fires when entity enters region OnEndTouch fires when enitty exits region OnStartTouch and OnEndTouch will only trigger once each for a total of 2 times and never again no matter how many times entity enters or exits the region trigger_muiltiple same as above but can trigger multiple times