ENTITIES ------------------------------------------------ func_commentary acts just like the ones one source engine ie ... - v # floats a model in the air and slowly spins # can be triggered by pressing E while looking at it it will use 3 textures: texture 1: idle texture used before activated texture 2: texture while playing sound (after being activated) texture 3: texture after sound stops playing when triggered switch to texture 2, spin rapidly, and play sound file after sound file stops playing switch to texture 3 and stop rotating entirly can hit E again to stop func_cardboardcutout # would typically be a flat (possibly 2 sided) sprite and the texture would typically be a person # purpose is to resemble the body movements of someone talking in like those story book games when triggered (not nessicerally by E) it will cycle thru texturea at a predefined rate such as start on idle texture then 3 seconds later switch to hands in air texture then 10 seconds later switch to another texture player # first person # walkaround and jump # can interact with buttons and other objects by hitting E would be funny and probably better tbh if movement was using quake physics also quicker base movement speed buttons: (idk how buttons are supposed tonwork exactly # all buttons will have 2 textures: # idle # activated button_once: # when triggered, switch to the activated texture, play a sound, and trigger somthing # can obly be pressed once button_multiple # when triggered, switch to the activated texture, play a sound, and trigger somthing # after a few seconds switch to idle texture ^ "Button" does all this shit, fuck making two separate entities for this func_door: when triggered moves in a specified direction (or towards an entity idc specified direction would proabbky be easier on my end) and plays a sound while moving waits a few seconds closes and plays a sound while moving whenever it starts or stops moving it plays a sound so 3 sounds in total func_door_rotating same as above but rotates ^ This will also be rolled into "Door" physics object: can be picked uo with E has physics applied to it (obviousky) can be any obj and idealy would be resizeable transparent blocks idk how easy its gonna be but some textures that i place mighy be transparent ^ Not my problem pass thru blocks thusbwill probabky have be done on the godot side some blocks will be not solid ^ Not my problem func_elevator when the player steps on this it will rise up after a few seconds to a pre determinted height item_suit is an obj in the world upon contact with the player is disapears and plays 2 sounds more specialized shit might change later chess the pieces are made out of physics objects and you play against a badly written ai the ai is good but cheats alot the way to win is to cheat yoyrself and just place one of your pieces on his king ARTWORK ---------------------------------------- icon.ico: the icon is a "profile pic" of a 2d drawn llama wearing a 3d low polygon model of a blue wizard hat "zombie maniac" avatar (human) (not a fucking goat or somthing im not a furry) face: no facial hair but with long hair down to shoulders clothes: wearing a 1920s style beige suit eith red tie and matching pants. white under shirt fursuit: fursuit SOUND ------------------------------------ *button triggered* *suit pickup* func_door open func_door close chess piece place down chess piece place up VOICELINES --------------------------------- Hazard course: (kreb) Kreb: welcome to the White Plains hazard course, i am your card board assistant. lets begin by stepping into your suit now but before that i have to read this disclamer. *boringly and unenthousiastically reads this* White Plains is a distinct entity operating independently, it is in no way associated with any other companies that relate to a certain red themed biome. The white plains hazard course comes AS IS with absolutly no warrenty Lets begin by stepping thru the door Hazard course: (zombie) Suit: Welcome the H E uh i mean F U R mark 2 Furry System for use in attending furry conventions Cringe inhibitors activated fifty six k baud modem activated Anti bully shields activated rgb lighting activated *rainbow light spam in room* "rgb lighting fault" photon torpedos deactivated pay 15.99$ to activate them indtantly have a very good day i will make sure of it