[comment]: # (THEME = night) [comment]: # (CODE_THEME = base16/zenburn) [comment]: # (controls: true) [comment]: # (keyboard: true) [comment]: # (markdown: { smartypants: true }) [comment]: # (hash: true) [comment]: # (respondToHashChanges: true) [comment]: # (slideNumber: 'c/t') [comment]: # (width: 1280) [comment]: # (height: 720) # RISC Users Group ## (RUG) [comment]: # (!!!) ### Our Mission - Spread knowledge about RISC - Foster growth in the RISC ecosystem - Give talks about RISC [comment]: # (!!!) ### Step 2: Untie one of your shoes [comment]: # (!!! data-auto-animate) ### Step 2: Untie one of your shoes [comment]: # (!!! data-auto-animate) ### Step 3: Complement her ##### Good things to complement: - Hair - Clothes - Eyebrows - Toenails [comment]: # (!!!) ### Step 4: Use an amazing pickup line




[comment]: # (!!!) ![Presentation Source QR](media/presentationsourceqr.svg) [Presentation Source](https://git.qtechofficial.com/logan/presentations/src/branch/master/lugmemefall2024-1)
This presentation is licensed under [CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.en) ![CC-BY-NC-SA Icon](media/Cc-by-nc-sa_icon.svg) [comment]: # (!!!) ## Fun Facts: This presentation took 1 hours Vim crashed 0 times because it doesn't suck :>
Made with [markdown-slides](https://gitlab.com/da_doomer/markdown-slides) + reveal.js [comment]: # (!!!)