Solarity Liveboot ISO v20241203 Pre-release
released this
2024-12-04 01:26:26 -05:00 | 0 commits to master since this release- Kernel Version: 6.12.1
- Incremental update with the latest packages
Source code (ZIP)
Source code (TAR.GZ)
0 downloads · 1.8 GiB
Solarity Liveboot ISO v20241001 Pre-release
released this
2024-10-01 21:31:00 -04:00 | 0 commits to master since this release- Kernel Version: 6.11.1
- Added:
- expac
- Removed:
- nwg-panel
- nwg-bar
- nwg-menu
- nwg-launchers
- Replaced:
- nwggrid ⇒ nwg-drawer
- bless ⇒ ghex
- Fixed:
- Sudo autocompletion (but better)
Source code (ZIP)
1 download
Source code (TAR.GZ)
1 download
1 download · 1.7 GiB
Solarity Liveboot ISO v20240924 Pre-release
released this
2024-09-25 00:46:19 -04:00 | 6 commits to master since this release- Kernel Version: 6.10.10
- Switched build system to GNU Make
- A new PS1 was added to both the solarity and root accounts to make the shell easier to read
- Added:
- mupdf
- Removed:
- edac-utils
- Upstream removed this package for some reason :(
- edac-utils
- Fixed:
- Sudo autocompletion
Source code (ZIP)
1 download
Source code (TAR.GZ)
1 download
3 downloads · 1.8 GiB
Solarity Liveboot ISO v20240523 Pre-release
released this
2024-06-01 00:46:40 -04:00 | 12 commits to master since this release-
FOR VENTOY USERS: This ISO requires v1.0.98 or later!
Kernel Version: 6.9.1
Set maximum service timeout on shutdown to 10s
Symlinked vim to neovim
- nut (Again...)
- atool
- mediainfo
- micro
- kvantum-qt5
- noto-fonts-emoji ⇒ ttf-twemoji
Source code (ZIP)
1 download
Source code (TAR.GZ)
1 download
3 downloads · 1.7 GiB
Solarity Liveboot ISO v20240416 Pre-release
released this
2024-04-16 04:16:38 -04:00 | 23 commits to master since this release- Kernel Version: 6.8.5
- Updated xz package to 5.6.1-3
- Added:
- nut
Source code (ZIP)
1 download
Source code (TAR.GZ)
1 download
2 downloads · 1.7 GiB
Solarity Liveboot ISO v20240216 Pre-release
released this
2024-02-16 18:37:50 -05:00 | 23 commits to master since this release- Kernel Version: 6.7.4
- Added a new
script, which can be used to expand the live environment's rootfs size - Added:
- zfs-utils-git
- zfs-dkms-git
Source code (ZIP)
1 download
Source code (TAR.GZ)
1 download
Solarity Liveboot ISO v20240127 Pre-release
released this
2024-01-27 22:24:49 -05:00 | 26 commits to master since this release-
Kernel Version: 6.7.1
Added new MOTD and startup message
- gvfs
- gvfs-afc
- gvfs-goa
- gvfs-google
- gvfs-gphoto2
- gvfs-mtp
- gvfs-nfs
- gvfs-smb
- foot-terminfo
- light ⇒ brightnessctl
Source code (ZIP)
1 download
Source code (TAR.GZ)
1 download
Solarity Liveboot ISO v20240101 Pre-release
released this
2024-01-02 01:19:25 -05:00 | 30 commits to master since this releaseHappy New Year!
Release notes:
- Kernel Version: 6.6.8
- Updated labwc to v0.7.0
- Cleaned up LabWC root menu
- Fixed keybinding for nwggrid
- Moved Waybar to "bottom" to resemble expected behavior
- GRUB startup chime will now no longer alert everyone within a 100 mile radius
- Fixed GTK4 theming
- Added a more useful htoprc
- Added:
- arch-wiki-docs
- arch-wiki-lite
- dialog
- zenity
- freeipmi
- Replaced
- wlr-randr-git ⇒ wlr-randr
- zenmap-git ⇒ zenmap
Source code (ZIP)
1 download
Source code (TAR.GZ)
1 download
Solarity Liveboot ISO v20231203 Pre-release
released this
2023-12-03 06:25:40 -05:00 | 42 commits to master since this releaseChanges:
- Changed copytoram=y boot option to copytoram=n
- ArchISO changed the default behavior a while ago to run copytoram by default
- Added:
- cpupower
- fio
- kdiskmark
- bcachefs-tools
- edac-utils
- intel-media-driver
- libva-intel-driver
- libva-mesa-driver
- mesa-vdpau
- nvtop
- libva-utils
- vdpauinfo
Source code (ZIP)
1 download
Source code (TAR.GZ)
1 download
- Changed copytoram=y boot option to copytoram=n
Solarity Liveboot ISO v20231006 Pre-release
released this
2023-10-06 18:05:39 -04:00 | 48 commits to master since this releaseSecond release
- Fixed Speech Dispatcher
- Rearranged import-gsettings in labwc autostart to prevent race conditions
- Removed:
- imv
- ark
- Added:
- pqiv
- noto-fonts-emoji
- dust
- git-delta
- duf
- tldr
- gnome-disk-utility
- gsmartcontrol
- ranger
- renameutils
- jq
- gnupg
- keepassxc
- bluez-utils
- blueberry
- lxqt-archiver
Source code (ZIP)
1 download
Source code (TAR.GZ)
1 download