Logan G
Let's you extract audio from combined video+audio media (most websites supported by yt-dlp)
54 lines
1.7 KiB
54 lines
1.7 KiB
package main
import (
ffmpeg "github.com/u2takey/ffmpeg-go"
func mergeStreams(path1 string, path2 string, format string, output string) (err error) {
log.Debugf("Merging \"%s\" and \"%s\" to \"%s\" using format \"%s\"", path1, path2, output, format)
input := []*ffmpeg.Stream{ffmpeg.Input(path1), ffmpeg.Input(path2)}
defaultArgs := ffmpeg.KwArgs{"c:v": "copy", "c:a": "copy", "format": format}
var ffmpegLogLevel ffmpeg.KwArgs
var silent bool
if Flags.Verbose {
ffmpegLogLevel = ffmpeg.KwArgs{"v": "info"}
silent = false
} else if Flags.Quiet {
ffmpegLogLevel = ffmpeg.KwArgs{"v": "quiet"}
silent = true
} else {
ffmpegLogLevel = ffmpeg.KwArgs{"v": "error"}
silent = true
kwArgs := ffmpeg.MergeKwArgs([]ffmpeg.KwArgs{ffmpegLogLevel, defaultArgs})
return ffmpeg.Output(input, output, kwArgs).OverWriteOutput().ErrorToStdOut().Silent(silent).Run()
func extractAudio(path1 string, format string, output string) (err error) {
input := []*ffmpeg.Stream{ffmpeg.Input(path1)}
defaultArgs := ffmpeg.KwArgs{"map": "0:a", "c:a": "copy", "format": format}
var ffmpegLogLevel ffmpeg.KwArgs
var silent bool
if Flags.Verbose {
ffmpegLogLevel = ffmpeg.KwArgs{"v": "info"}
silent = false
} else if Flags.Quiet {
ffmpegLogLevel = ffmpeg.KwArgs{"v": "quiet"}
silent = true
} else {
ffmpegLogLevel = ffmpeg.KwArgs{"v": "error"}
silent = true
kwArgs := ffmpeg.MergeKwArgs([]ffmpeg.KwArgs{ffmpegLogLevel, defaultArgs})
return ffmpeg.Output(input, output, kwArgs).OverWriteOutput().ErrorToStdOut().Silent(silent).Run()