#include //printf and shit #include //website told me to use fabs for floating point absolute value. this also has sqrt (sqrt for somereason needs the -lm compile flag) #include //this has atoi which i forgot to incled but it still combiled idk dont @ me int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { //yoinked from the internet argc is number of args and argv is a "array of arguments" int a, b, c; //uhhhhhh how to ascii to float float deter, plusans, minusans; if (argc != 4) { puts("please provide a b c"); return 0; //idk if this is how i should return an error idk @quantum rip my code to shreads } a = atoi(argv[1]); //mmmm yes the atoi is made out of atoi b = atoi(argv[2]); //mmmm yes the atoi is made out of atoi c = atoi(argv[3]); //mmmm yes the atoi is made out of atoi printf("Got: %dx²+%dx+%d\n", a, b, c); //wow this looks like ass deter = (b*b)-(4*a*c); //deter = 12f; printf("Deter = %f\n", deter); if (deter < 0) { puts("deter is negitve this will result in a imaginary number"); return 0; } plusans = (-b + sqrt(deter))/(2*a); //pemdas is cringe printf("Plusans = %f\n", plusans); minusans = (-b - sqrt(deter))/(2*a); //pemdas is cringe printf("Minusans = %f\n", minusans); return 0; }