zombie 33218f0960 i made the quadratic formula
what a suprise
@quantum thooooommmmmaaasss it dont work plez help it gives wrong answer
2022-01-22 07:40:17 -05:00

37 lines
1,015 B

#include <stdio.h> //printf and shit
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { //yoinked from the internet argc is number of args and argv is a "array of arguments"
int x; //idk what types are i think this is a 32bit signed int... idk @quantum help... also should this even be here or should it be out of main
if(argc != 2){
puts("fix your arguments");
return 0; //idk if this is how i should return an error idk @quantum rip my code to shreads
x = atoi(argv[1]); //mmmm yes the atoi is made out of atoi
if(x == 0){
puts("uhhhh you entered 0 this wont end");
return 0;
printf("Got: %d\n", x);
while(x != 1){ //while x is not true i think
printf("%d\n",x ); //shit like this was difficualt in asm because i had to preserve all my registers
if(x & 1 == 1){ //if x is odd
x = (3 * x) + 1;
x = x / 2;
puts("number reaches one");
return 0;