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acts just like the ones one source engine ie ... -
# floats a model in the air and slowly spins
# can be triggered by pressing E while looking at it
it will use 3 textures:
texture 1: idle texture used before activated
texture 2: texture while playing sound (after being activated)
texture 3: texture after sound stops playing
when triggered switch to texture 2, spin rapidly, and play sound file
after sound file stops playing switch to texture 3 and stop rotating entirly
can hit E again to stop
# would typically be a flat (possibly 2 sided) sprite and the texture would typically be a person
# purpose is to resemble the body movements of someone talking in like those story book games
when triggered (not nessicerally by E) it will cycle thru texturea at a predefined rate
such as start on idle texture then 3 seconds later switch to hands in air texture then 10 seconds later switch to another texture
# first person
# walkaround and jump
# can interact with buttons and other objects by hitting E
~ would be funny and probably better tbh if movement was using quake physics
# also quicker base movement speed
buttons: (idk how buttons are supposed tonwork exactly
# all buttons will have 2 textures:
# idle
# activated
# when triggered, switch to the activated texture, play a sound, and trigger somthing
# can obly be pressed once
# when triggered, switch to the activated texture, play a sound, and trigger somthing
# after a few seconds switch to idle texture
^ "Button" does all this shit, fuck making two separate entities for this
~ when triggered moves in a specified direction (or towards an entity idc specified direction would proabbky be easier on my end) and plays a sound while moving
# waits a few seconds
~ closes and plays a sound while moving
whenever it starts or stops moving it plays a sound
so 3 sounds in total
same as above but rotates
^ This will also be rolled into "Door"
physics object:
can be picked uo with E
has physics applied to it (obviousky)
can be any obj and idealy would be resizeable
transparent blocks
idk how easy its gonna be but some textures that i place mighy be transparent
^ Not my problem
pass thru blocks
thusbwill probabky have be done on the godot side some blocks will be not solid
^ Not my problem
when the player steps on this it will rise up after a few seconds to a pre determinted height
# is an obj in the world
# upon contact with the player is disapears and plays 2 sounds
the pieces are made out of physics objects and you play against a badly written ai
the ai is good but cheats alot
the way to win is to cheat yoyrself and just place one of your pieces on his king
move box but car keeps getting in your way game:
goal of the game...
move a physics box across the room and place it on a green square
if you touvh the box agaist any objects that arnt walls or floor you lose and the game is reset
there will be many objects in your way (some of them being other physics objects, which are easy beacyse you can just press e and move them elseqhere) but the important ones will be cars
cars will (always) be stationary and some will have people in them
you cant pick up the cars you can only rewuest the driver of ones that have people in them to move and they will always comoly then disapear
at the end there will be a (manned) car right infront of the ending green square
everyyime you request them to leave they will leave but when you arnt looking(and only then) another car will drive in
so you have to figure out how to keep looking at the green square while moving the box
like sone sort of scp 173 level shit
maybe to add difficulty the cube will disapear when not being looked at
basically ibwant a box that i can run commands
would be cool if it was using my system terminal
its main use would be toggling debug things so we dont need them tied to buttons
maybe someone has already made a console plugin we can probably just steal that
if your gonna make it in engine then here are the requirments
- beable to select copy and paste text
- tab autocomplete
- balls
Main menu/pause menu:
obvuously we are gonna need a main menu
the main menu will be a 2d ui with a a 3d ingame background lile what hl2 does
the buttons so far i can think of are:
Start Game
i think the game is short ebough that we dont need to save or load the game
the ui buttons will have a darkened background so you can read it on the 3d background
the icon is a "profile pic" of a 2d drawn llama wearing a blue wizard hat
the wizard hat might be 1 of three things
- a 2d drawn hat
- a 3d low polygon drawn by the artist hat
- a 3d low polygon hat made by me (the fake zombie master)
requirements for the artist commitition
must get svg
must get editor file (typically adobe illustrator (.ai))
dont use ai (artifical intelligence) art
must be allowed to commercial use and no credit needed to give
basically i want to reserve all the rights for me, i dont want to have to give atribution for somtbing i paid for
"zombie maniac" avatar (human) (not a fucking goat or somthing im not a furry)
no facial hair but with long hair down to shoulders
wearing a 1920s style beige suit eith red tie and matching pants. white under shirt
*button triggered*
*suit pickup*
func_door open
func_door close
chess piece place down
chess piece place up
Hazard course: (kreb)
Kreb: welcome to the White Plains hazard course, i am your card board assistant.
lets begin by stepping into your suit now but before that i have to read this disclamer.
*boringly and unenthousiastically reads this*
White Plains is a distinct entity operating independently, it is in no way associated with any other companies that relate to a certain red themed biome.
The white plains hazard course comes AS IS with absolutly no warrenty
Lets begin by stepping thru the door
Hazard course: (zombie)
Welcome the H E uh i mean F U R mark 2 Furry System
for use in attending furry conventions
Cringe inhibitors activated
fifty six k baud modem activated
Anti bully shields activated
rgb lighting activated *rainbow light spam in room* "rgb lighting fault"
photon torpedos deactivated pay 15.99$ to activate them indtantly
have a very good day
i will make sure of it
ufz logo intro
Is rendered in real time by the engine (hopefully)
Is a 3d rusty rectangular cube if the letters 'ufz' sticking out as metal or sonthing
The animation that dhows the logo is described below
Is essentially a time lapse of the logo creation except it just shows the logo centered on the screen as "a final render" not screenshots from the editor
Each frame follows as this
When a new block is created or modified it is highlighted red like in hammer world editor
It will cease being red when another block turns red
So it will be red for one frame
The blocks spawn as dev textures and get textured at the end
Frames go in this order:
Start on black void
First rectangular block is drawn (gray block)
Starting the U:
Orange vertical rectangular block
Another one same ad above
Orange horizontal rectangular block to fill in the U
You get the idea...
After all blocks are drawn
Then we texture the first block as a rusty metal texture then we go thru the other blocks and texture them in order of creation
After everything is texture we shine a light behind the object pointing towards the camera and we move the light (vertically ig)
The point of that is to show god rays
After its panned thru we shut the light off
Its a spam of keyboard presses and mouse click and a choir in the background with growing intensity
Then a sudden burst in intensity when the light shows up
The logo will probably be a bunch of different models switched out by godot
Qtech logo is just again rendered in real time as a 3d version of the qtech logo
Its rotating like the V C F (or more lazily just steal the commentary node)
Thomas te noises and 60hz