
3 KiB

how 2 get a gf

By TheCelibacyMaster comment: # (!!!)

Step 1: Install Gentoo


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Step 2: Untie one of your shoes

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Step 2: Untie one of your shoes

  • Weird
  • Quirky
  • Dangerous
  • Ice Breaker

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Step 3: Complement her

Good things to complement:
  • Hair
  • Clothes
  • Eyebrows
  • Toenails

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Step 4: Use an amazing pickup line

  • I use Gentoo btw.
  • You really make my CFLAGS "-O3".
  • Are you OpenRC? Because you have exactly what I need.
  • I just checked my kernel defconfig, and it looks like you're the only thing missing from it.
  • *trips on untied shoelace* Damn, was my shoe untied, or am I just falling in love?




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Presentation Source

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Fun Facts:

This presentation took 1 hours

Vim crashed 0 times because it doesn't suck :>

Made with markdown-slides + reveal.js comment: # (!!!)